Campaign Trail Results: Game #997355

This Game:

  • Year: 2012
  • Player Candidate: Mitt Romney
  • Running Mate: Marco Rubio
  • Difficulty Level: Normal
  • Winner Take All Mode?: Yes
  • Game Played:
  • dylansstrickland
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View overall results, or a specific state:
CandidateElectoral VotesPopular VotesPop. Vote %
---- Barack Obama33264,829,99150.61
---- Mitt Romney20662,059,54248.44
---- Gary Johnson0897,7760.70
---- Jill Stein0322,1510.25


  • Ohio:5
  • Florida:3
  • Virginia:3
  • Iowa:1


  • What is your opinion on the detention center at Guantanamo Bay? Would you consider closing it after the election?
    It's a difficult issue, but given the dangerous nature of these detainees, the center should remain open.
  • A recent Supreme Court decision affirmed an Arizona law allowing officers to check suspected illegal immigrants for proof of immigration status. Do you think this law is a good idea?
    The federal government has forced Arizona's hand by being too lax on enforcement for far too long.
  • The water level of Lake Mead (the reservoir near Hoover Dam) has been steadily dropping in recent years. Should the Bureau of Reclamation regulate the use of this water more strictly?
    I think the system we have in place is working. There will be ebbs and flows in the water level, but we've already seen it start to rebound the last couple of years.
  • Do you support a larger fence or even a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border to prevent illegal immigration?
    I think that what we have now is sufficient. There's no need to constantly revisit this issue when the Border Patrol has seen documented success in reducing immigration over the past few years.
  • How long should U.S. troops remain in Afghanistan?
    As long as it takes to ensure their transition to democracy. We cannot let the Taliban undermine us, or we may soon witness further terrorist attacks like those of 9-11.
  • What is your position on gay marriage?
    Under no circumstances should the sacred institution of marriage be undermined. The Defense of Marriage Act was passed specifially to address this issue.
  • Do you support allowing the Bush Tax Cuts to expire for high-income households at the end of 2012?
    We should keep the tax cuts as is for the foreseeable future. I don't think it's sound economics to rise taxes on this group.
  • Overall, are you satisfied with the trade relationship between the U.S. and China?
    This relationship has its pros and cons. China should be doing more to live up to their end of our trade agreements, and they must stop manipulating their currency.
  • The United States has historically subsidized corn producers. With recent price increases in the corn market, do you still believe that such a program is necessary?
    The Department of Agriculture uses subsidies to rationally manage food production. It would be foolish to reverse that policy.
  • What do you think we should do next in regards to Social Security?
    With minor changes like an increase to the retirement age and means testing after a certain benefit level, we can ensure the solvency of this program long into the future.
  • We have now had 10 years to analyze the effects of the No Child Left Behind Act. Do you think it is time for a change?
    This is a good program overall. Perhaps some minor details can be fixed, but without standardized testing there is no way to monitor the quality of our educational system.
  • What is your opinion on the 'gunwalking' tactics that led to the 'Fast and Furious' scandal?
    Perhaps in limited cases. I am skeptical of these programs because they place too much faith in Mexican authorities to pursue cases once they cross the border.
  • The Affordable Care Act (i.e. 'Obamacare') will cap annual premiums, require minimum coverage levels, and outlaw discrimination against people with pre-existing conditions. What do you think?
    This is the wrong way to reform the American health care system. We should be focusing on malpractice reform and on cutting red tape for private insurers.
  • Would you support a Constitutional Amendment to overturn some provisions of the Citizens United ruling, affecting campaign finance by PAC's?
    I would be happy to disavow the use of Super PAC advertising if my opponent would as well. Unfortunately the other side will do anything to win this election, regardless of how it aligns with the will of the public.
  • Should the DEA prosecute medicinal marijuana growers in states where that practice has been legalized?
    We might disagree with these laws, but it is the responsibility of the DEA to uphold them. I do think we can look into reducing the penalties, which should decrease the strain on our prisons and allow people a second chance to lead productive lives.
  • The budget for the Department of Housing and Urban Development was cut by nearly $4 billion in 2012. Do you think subsidized housing for the poor is a good place to begin reducing the federal deficit?
    We'll have to make decisions like these at some point. It's better to do so now when we still have some control over the outcome, rather than waiting for a budget crisis to kick in.
  • Should federal fuel taxes be slightly increased (they have been the same since 1993) to avoid another catastrophe like the Minnesota bridge collapse of 2007?
    There are better ways of funding our federal highway projects than with another increase to the gas tax, especially given how much prices have risen in the past few years.
  • Should large banks like Chase, Citibank, and Bank of America be broken up to reduce the risk of another financial crisis?
    That's not the best solution for us to take. The last thing we need right now in the financial sector is some kind of arbitrary, destabilizing government action.
  • Is there too much regulation of the American logging industry?
    We need some rational management of our nation's resources, but I think too often we err on the side of caution when it comes to utilizing our nation's timber.
  • Do FEMA insurance payouts encourage real estate developers to build in disaster prone areas?
    There is absolutely a danger of this happening. That's why we have a National Flood Insurance Program which provides strict guidelines on where people are permitted to build.
  • Would you nominate any Democrats to your cabinet if elected?
    I can't say who exactly will be in the Cabinet, but I'm not opposed to having Democrats in my Administration.
  • What will be the overriding theme of your nomination speech at the Republican Convention?
    My message will be a message of hope. After four years of economic blight the American people need to feel good about themselves, and they need to know that their efforts will be rewarded with material prosperity.
  • What is your guiding foreign policy philosophy?
    American Exceptionalism -- Providence has given America to the world as an inspiration, and we must vigorously defend the ideals of peace and freedom wherever they may be threatened.
  • Do you have any plans to offer Sarah Palin a role in your Administration?
    I don't want to promise or not promise anything at this point. We will review all qualified candidates after we win this election in November.
  • In the most general terms, what will be your overall campaign strategy against Obama?
    My surrogates have plenty of points to make about the failure of the Obama Administration. As the nominee, I will take the high road and stick to a message of optimism and American renewal.