Campaign Trail Results: Game #948641

This Game:

  • Year: 2016
  • Player Candidate: Donald Trump
  • Running Mate: Ben Carson
  • Difficulty Level: Normal
  • Winner Take All Mode?: Yes
  • Game Played:
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View overall results, or a specific state:
CandidateElectoral VotesPopular VotesPop. Vote %
---- Hillary Clinton35370,487,48353.79
---- Donald Trump18556,775,18143.33
---- Gary Johnson02,427,1491.85
---- Jill Stein01,347,5541.03


  • Arkansas:1
  • California:1
  • Connecticut:1
  • Georgia:1
  • Idaho:1
  • Mississippi:1
  • Missouri:1
  • New York:1
  • North Carolina:1
  • Ohio:1
  • Texas:1
  • Utah:1


  • Where will you spend your final day of the campaign?
    Michigan, Wisconsin, and Iowa
  • What message will you emphasize as you accept your party's nomination for President of the United States?
    I will compare and contrast my business record with the corruption and incompetence of Hillary Clinton, and question why she is even allowed to run for President. We're going to Make America Great Again!
  • To what extent will you attack Bill Clinton's history of infidelity, impeachment, and so on as you campaign?
    I will casually refer to Mr. Clinton as “the rapist” and imply that his people, including Hillary, have silenced a number of people over the years who tried to speak out.
  • To what extent will you attack Hillary Clinton's equivocation on the Benghazi attacks in 2012?
    We're going to be mentioning Benghazi a lot in our campaign.
  • To what extent will you attack Hillary Clinton's decision to set up a private email server in her home, while Secretary of State?
    We will be asking, “Where's the indictment?!” every day in my speeches, and on social media.
  • To what extent will you attack Hillary Clinton's 2002 vote to authorize the war in Iraq?
    Whenever Ms. Clinton implies that I'm unqualified to serve as President, we will immediately ask what was going on her brain when she voted for the war in Iraq?
  • To what extent will you attack Hillary Clinton for her changing views on gay marriage, criminal justice, illegal immigration, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, or other issues?
    Hillary Clinton has been on both sides of so many issues it's pathetic. I'm not going to give a speech between now and November where I don't talk about her views on Iraq, gay marriage, illegal immigration, criminal justice, drug policy, free trade, and so much more.
  • What do you have to say in response to allegations that your Trump University used a number of unethical practices?
    It's a minor civil case, pursued by a few disgruntled people for political purposes. Most people were very satisfied with Trump University.
  • Should Mitt Romney be given a speaking slot at the Republican Convention this year, given the tension between you two?
    Absolutely not. I don't want him anywhere near the convention. He was a loser in 2012 and he'd lose again if we were crazy enough to give him the nomination.
  • Do you still hold a pro-life position on abortion? What do you have to say about previous incarnations of your views on that subject?
    I think we can do everything we can to discourage abortion. But I'd say it depends ... if we're talking about making abortion illegal then that's a different story. You can be pro-life without saying it should be illegal.
  • What do you have to say to conservatives who doubt your commitment to their cause in this election? Do you have any grand gestures to make?
    When I'm President, I'm going to appoint Ted Cruz to the Supreme Court. And if he doesn't want the seat, we're letting him name his choice.
  • Many accuse your heated rhetoric of fueling violence at your rallies, which have become known for their protestors and altercations. What are your thoughts?
    It's so unfair what's happening, it's a tragedy. You have paid outside agitators breaking up my events and violating my 1st Amendment rights, and then the media is covering them to discredit my campaign.
  • Do you plan to participate in the traditional three debates, between yourself and Hillary Clinton?
    At this point, it's hard to have any faith that the media will moderate these debates in an impartial manner. I will buy a half hour of time on every major network and make my case directly to the people.
  • What was your rationale behind selecting Ben Carson as your running mate?
    Ben Carson knows just how badly Clinton and Obama have failed the black community. Not to mention, he's a very patriotic, conservative figure who is more than qualified to be my Vice President.
  • The FBI has recommended the indictment of several of Hillary Clinton's aides, based on classified intelligence which they obtained from secure facilities and emailed to her. Do you have any comment?
    We've all seen Hillary Clinton lie about this scandal from the first day until now, and she's still lying about it. It's unbelievable what she thinks she can get away with.
  • What actions would you take in Syria to help stabilize the situation there, and to combat ISIS?
    I would consider a pretty heavy bombing campaign there. We're going to bomb ISIS. We're going to bomb Assad. We're going to bomb the oil.
  • Do you support the recent nuclear deal between the United States and Iran?
    This deal is a completely asinine joke. We still owe Iran $150 billion if we change our mind. We just give them the money.
  • What is your opinion of Barack Obama's performance as President?
    There are some very bad things happening right now. The last eight years have been a disaster for this country.
  • Do you support any type of comprehensive immigration reform, and if so, to what extent?
    How about enforcing our current immigration law? We tried reform once already, and if it worked, we wouldn't even be discussing this now.
  • What steps will you take to reduce or increase spending as President, per your priorities?
    We're going to crack down on waste and fraud. There's a terrible amount of bad stuff going on out there.
  • Do you support the practice of fracking? What is your overall view on energy policy?
    I love fracking. We need to do anything we can to support it.
  • What is your position on the European Union? Do you believe that countries such as the United Kingdom should exit the Union, given the current problems?
    The European Union has been a complete disaster, and I can't blame any country, especially the United Kingdom, that would want out.
  • What is your take on the Black Lives Matter movement?
    I support our police officers, who are working so hard to uphold the law in this country.
  • To what extent will you connect the dots between the Clintons' support of free trade and tough sentencing, and the huge unemployment in the black community?
    We're going to be putting out 2-3 tweets a day about how the Clintons have failed the black community on trade and immigration and criminal justice. We have an opening to do much better than Romney or McCain did with this group.
  • Are there any personal attacks you would like to throw at Bill and Hillary Clinton over the next few months?
    You know, I almost hate to bring it up, but there are credible accusations that Bill fathered a black child with a Little Rock hooker. And furthermore... Hillary has conspired to threaten these people into keeping silent.