Campaign Trail Results: Game #43028

This Game:

  • Year: 2012
  • Player Candidate: Barack Obama
  • Running Mate: Hillary Clinton
  • Difficulty Level: Hard
  • Winner Take All Mode?: Yes
  • Game Played:
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View overall results, or a specific state:
CandidateElectoral VotesPopular VotesPop. Vote %
---- Mitt Romney29565,176,57550.05
---- Barack Obama24363,791,76848.98
---- Gary Johnson0908,6430.70
---- Jill Stein0357,5350.27


  • Florida:7
  • Pennsylvania:5


  • What is your opinion on the detention center at Guantanamo Bay? Would you consider closing it after the election?
    I would like to close it, but we need to figure out an alternative way to detain these people.
  • A recent Supreme Court decision affirmed an Arizona law allowing officers to check suspected illegal immigrants for proof of immigration status. Do you think this law is a good idea?
    The proper authority for enforcement rests with the federal government. This law goes further than federal laws and even if constitutional, should be repealed.
  • What can the U.S. do to assist pro-democracy protestors in Russia?
    I would encourage Vladimir Putin to continue his efforts to democratize Russia, so that there is less cause for future demonstrations.
  • What is your position on gay marriage?
    Gay marriage should be protected at the federal level. The Defense of Marriage Act should be repealed.
  • Is the United States too reliant on fossil fuels for its energy needs?
    The answer is obvious. By continuing to rely on non-renewable energy sources, we place ourselves at greater risk for future energy shocks and we contribute to global warming.
  • Do you support allowing the Bush Tax Cuts to expire for high-income households at the end of 2012?
    I support letting the cuts expire. It's time that wealthy Americans paid their fair share for the opportunities our society gives to them.
  • Will you launch an air campaign against Iranian nuclear sites if diplomatic negotiations continue to yield minimal results?
    Of course I will always act in the best interests of the United States. We are keeping all options on the table, but it's irresponsible at this point to go into further details.
  • We have now had 10 years to analyze the effects of the No Child Left Behind Act. Do you think it is time for a change?
    There is a danger of 'teaching to the test'. We do need some testing in place, but to do so on an annual basis is too frequent and interferes with good educational practice.
  • What is your opinion on directing some Department of Education funding towards a school voucher program?
    In limited cases, such as those currently in place, there is a role for vouchers. But improving public education should be our primary focus.
  • Michigan was one of the hardest hit states in the recent recession. Do you support higher taxes on foreign vehicles while that auto industry regroups in that state?
    I think that's a little extreme. I do support measures to assist displaced workers in Michigan as they seek other jobs and education.
  • Do you support increased restrictions on handgun ownership?
    Handgun ownership should be severely restricted. Any other system makes it too easy for guns to be smuggled to Mexico and to urban gangs within the U.S.
  • The Affordable Care Act (i.e. 'Obamacare') will cap annual premiums, require minimum coverage levels, and outlaw discrimination against people with pre-existing conditions. What do you think?
    I'm convinced that this program will work. This is a good compromise allowing private insurers to conduct business, while securing access to health insurance for more Americans. If anything, the increased transparency will reduce insurance costs.
  • Should the DEA prosecute medicinal marijuana growers in states where that practice has been legalized?
    Absolutely. Marijuana is a dangerous controlled substance, and the federal government has a responsibility to enforce all laws that are currently on the books.
  • The budget for the Department of Housing and Urban Development was cut by nearly $4 billion in 2012. Do you think subsidized housing for the poor is a good place to begin reducing the federal deficit?
    $4 billion barely puts a dent in the size of the deficit. If we made a serious attempt to cut the size of the military our savings would be vastly greater.
  • Would you advocate cutting Peace Corps funding to help address the deficit?
    This is a valuable component of our international presence. We should maintain the funding we have in place, which is miniscule in proportion to our overall budget.
  • Should federal fuel taxes be slightly increased (they have been the same since 1993) to avoid another catastrophe like the Minnesota bridge collapse of 2007?
    I don't see a problem with a small increase. We should be encouraging other forms of transportation, and on top of that our highways are woefully underfunded.
  • Is there too much regulation of the American logging industry?
    Current practices are much too permissive. Priceless old-growth forest has been almost completely destroyed, and we are headed into the future on an unsustainable trajectory.
  • Tell us how you feel about the Keystone Pipeline.
    Now isn't the best time to decide this. Perhaps in 2013 we can make a rational decision that is not influenced by politics.
  • Would you consider military action in Syria if the impasse between Bashar Assad and the rebels there continues?
    I'm not sure if we should commit our troops to additional combat theatres at the present time. We shouldn't be attempting to navigate Syrian politics.
  • After episodes such as the 'flash crash' in 2010, would you support a small financial transactions tax, with the sole purpose being to target high-frequency trading systems?
    I'm confident that the Financial Stability Oversight Council, created by the Dodd-Frank bill, will be effective in preventing excessive risk in the financial sector.
  • You have expressed support for increasing taxes on the rich to address our budget shortfall. However, almost half of Americans currently pay no income taxes. Are you sure this is a good idea?
    You're repeating a right-wing talking point. Most lower-earners still pay Social Security taxes, which alone is enough to ensure that their proportional rate of taxation remains fairly high.
  • What will be the overriding theme of your nomination speech at the Democratic Convention?
    I will talk at great length about how we've drifted from the tradition of liberalism that was built by the likes of Roosevelt, Johnson, and Humphrey. I will reaffirm my commitment to this vision in my second term.
  • Be perfectly honest. How do you like Mitt Romney as a person?
    Mitt Romney is a great American success story. His efforts over the years have been admirable. I just don't think he has the best policies in mind for America.
  • What is your guiding foreign policy philosophy?
    American Exceptionalism -- Providence has given America to the world as an inspiration, and we must vigorously defend the ideals of peace and freedom wherever they may be threatened.
  • In the most general terms, what will be your overall campaign strategy against Romney?
    I will promise a fresh start in overcoming the gridlock in Washington. In my second term I will reach out to moderates and sensible Republicans to find common, pragmatic solutions to our most pressing issues.