Campaign Trail Results: Game #376884

This Game:

  • Year: 1968
  • Player Candidate: Richard Nixon
  • Running Mate: Nelson Rockefeller
  • Difficulty Level: Normal
  • Winner Take All Mode?: Yes
  • Game Played:
  • lukeevison13
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View overall results, or a specific state:
CandidateElectoral VotesPopular VotesPop. Vote %
---- Richard Nixon38332,610,60644.79
---- Hubert H. Humphrey11029,827,19940.97
---- George Wallace4510,368,90814.24


  • New York:4
  • Texas:4
  • Illinois:1
  • Ohio:1
  • Pennsylvania:1
  • Washington:1


  • What is your opinion of Lyndon Johnson's new Medicare program?
    I commend this piece of legislation. Already we see many Americans receiving health care who would otherwise be stricken with serious and/or fatal conditions.
  • Are you satisfied with this nation's economic performance over the previous five years?
    How can anyone be satisfied with the course our nation has taken? Inflation is killing the value of the dollar and the gold standard itself is at risk. Unemployment is highest under the Johnson Administration among the very people he claims to care about the most.
  • Are you satisfied with the progress of desegregation in this country since the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
    I strongly support what we have done to end the insidious practice of segregation in the South. However I'm also alarmed at some of the ideas I've heard about forced integration of neighborhoods, or the proposed busing of students to distant schools.
  • Would you consider sending troops into Laos, Cambodia, or North Vietnam to more aggressively combat the flow of Communist troops into South Vietnam?
    I don't think that kind of escalation is wise. The last thing we need is a regional war. I would stick to our mission of defending South Vietnam and preventing the spread of Communism.
  • With all of the new programs that have implemented over the past five years, do you still believe there is room for the federal government to expand its responsibilities?
    I will do everything in my power to defend the Great Society initiatives that we have. In those cases where these programs fail to eradicate poverty, I will not hesitate to augment them.
  • What is your opinion of the military draft that is currently in place?
    We need to make sure that our military is adequately filled with personnel. That being said, I would prefer to see a volunteer system in place. I'm confident that there are enough patriotic young men in this country to make that system work.
  • Do you support opening a new dialogue with our Communist adversaries, such as the Soviet Union and China?
    I support a new era in U.S. - Communist relations. We have to be realistic and accept that Communism is here to stay, and work within that framework to find reasonable compromise in foreign affairs.
  • Would you appoint federal judges who support the decision Engel v. Vitale outlawing mandatory school prayer?
    I was disappointed with this decision. I would certainly appoint judges who see the wisdom in teaching our kids a few lessons about morality.
  • Did the Supreme Court overstep its bounds in Loving v. Virginia by declaring state miscegenation statutes unconstitutional?
    I'm not going to comment on a decision like this one. I certainly don't support miscegenation laws by any means, but I also think the Court has to be careful about overstepping the rights of the states.
  • What do you think of programs that require schools to use busing to achieve racial balance?
    I stand opposed to the legal segregation of our schools. Legal segregation promotes inferior education. I also think that busing promotes inferior education. My goal is to see every child in this country get a good education.
  • Can you comment on the newly created Head Start program?
    We need to do anything we can to ensure quality education for our youngsters. Let's see how this program develops and whether it seems to work or not.
  • What is your opinion of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965? Is it a good idea to liberalize our immigration policy and to outlaw national origin quotas?
    This is a fair and sensible policy that will allow skilled immigrants to enter the United States. It's ludicrous to state that this will somehow compromise our culture and our values.
  • What is causing the massive increase of crime in America? How will you reverse the trend?
    We have a system in place that gives precedence to the rights of criminals over law-abiding citizens. I will take a firm stand on this issue as President.
  • Do you support the Child Nutrition Act of 1966, which provides free breakfast and milk to qualified schoolchildren of impoverished backgrounds? Or do you believe that the program is too costly and constitutes a misuse of federal power?
    This is a sensible piece of legislation. I support it and I think that every decent American supports it too.
  • Can we all agree that the Black Panthers are a menace to the security of the United States?
    Our goal is a society that works for everyone. The Black Panthers have instigated some ugly incidents, and I believe on the balance that they have done more harm than good for the cause of integration.
  • How would you prevent campus incidents like the takeover of Columbia University that occurred this past spring?
    How these students have not been expelled is beyond me. If Administrators want to be complicit in the degradation of a private university, that is their own business. However, I won't spend a dime of federal money on a school that coddles radical agitators.
  • The unemployment rate is currently under 4%, in spite of the chaos that prevails in our nation. What will you do as president to keep unemployment low?
    We are keeping the unemployment rate artificially depressed with unsound fiscal and monetary policies. In the long-run, this will lead to a poor economy and higher unemployment.
  • Do you believe that President Johnson overstepped his bounds in negotiating the Kennedy Round of trade agreements? Do you support the liberalization of international trade under the GATT?
    I support the overall thrust of this policy. Foreign trade supports our Cold War allies, reduces the cost of goods in America, and supports a broader economic prosperity.
  • What will be the overall theme of your campaign as you criss-cross the United States?
    My primary focus is to return law and order to this country. The riots, the murders, the drug use, and the protests we've seen since 1965 are unacceptable.
  • What will be the thrust of your speech as you accept the Republican nomination in Miami?
    I will praise Johnson's social programs like Medicare, while also lamenting the disorder in the streets. I will pledge to work with Democrats to find common ground at home and to end the war in Vietnam.
  • As Governor of California, Ronald Reagan will be crucial to your chances in that state. Can you reassure him that you are sufficiently conservative to warrant his enthusiasm after your battle for the Republican nomination?
    Reagan and I have real common ground on the law and order issue. I will remind him of this when we discuss our politics.
  • Sources have indicated that Johnson is close to reaching a breakthrough in negotiations with the North Vietnamese, which could almost assure a Democratic win on Tuesday. An operative with connections to the South Vietnam government is willing to sabotage these negotiations with promises that you will offer a better deal when elected. Will you take a chance on this plan?
    This will guarantee victory for us if successful. Let's roll the dice.
  • Your Democratic counterpart has repeatedly challenged you to a debate. After your debacle against Kennedy in 1960, will you debate your opponent this time?
    I won't risk a debate with Humphrey. We can defeat him without one.
  • Will you try to compete with Johnson and Humphrey's machine in Texas?
    We need to focus our efforts in the most efficient manner. I don't think spending a lot of time in Texas is really the thing to do for us.
  • What is more important to you -- competing with Nixon in the border states (to help Humphrey) or winning over Humphrey voters in the northern cities (to help Nixon)?
    Humphrey and the Democrats need to know in the future that they cannot ignore the due concerns of the South and win elections. I will focus on winning potential Humphrey supporters.