Campaign Trail Results: Game #375558

This Game:

  • Year: 2012
  • Player Candidate: Mitt Romney
  • Running Mate: Tim Pawlenty
  • Difficulty Level: Normal
  • Winner Take All Mode?: Yes
  • Game Played:
  • lukeevison13
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View overall results, or a specific state:
CandidateElectoral VotesPopular VotesPop. Vote %
---- Mitt Romney29165,100,18149.92
---- Barack Obama24764,098,94049.15
---- Gary Johnson0893,5940.69
---- Jill Stein0316,2900.24


  • Wisconsin:4
  • Nevada:2
  • Pennsylvania:2
  • Colorado:1
  • Iowa:1
  • New Hampshire:1
  • Ohio:1


  • What is your opinion on the detention center at Guantanamo Bay? Would you consider closing it after the election?
    Absolutely not. I am 100% opposed to terrorism and will not take any measures that could threaten the security of the United States. Can you imagine if we released one of these people and they went on to participate in an attack against our soil?
  • A recent Supreme Court decision affirmed an Arizona law allowing officers to check suspected illegal immigrants for proof of immigration status. Do you think this law is a good idea?
    The proper authority for enforcement rests with the federal government. This law goes further than federal laws and even if constitutional, should be repealed.
  • Does it make sense to dispose our nuclear waste at Yucca Mountain in Nevada?
    As a sovereign state, Nevada has every right to reject this proposal. Nobody wants to live next to a toxic nuclear waste site.
  • Should the federal government continue to finance newer companies that attempt to develop alternative energy resources, such as solar power and electric car manufacturers?
    We have the example of Solyndra staring us in the face, and people want to do the same thing again with other companies? We should end this program as soon as possible.
  • How do you view the practice of hydraulic fracturing (aka 'fracking') in the Dakotas and elsewhere?
    This is a generational shift in the world energy game in the favor of the United States. There are plenty of regulations in place to protect our drinking water, and we simply cannot afford to miss out on the benefits of shale oil.
  • In November 2011, Ohio voters rejected a law to limit collective bargaining power for public unions. Do public sector unions such as teachers' and police unions have too much bargaining power?
    That's an issue for the states to decide. You know, the federal government does not support collective bargaining for its employees, so it's not appropriate for me to comment on a state matter.
  • What is your position on gay marriage?
    I'm opposed this personally. I think that, you know, different states have different opinions on this matter and it's best left to them to decide on the issue.
  • Do you support allowing the Bush Tax Cuts to expire for high-income households at the end of 2012?
    We should keep the tax cuts as is for the foreseeable future. I don't think it's sound economics to rise taxes on this group.
  • Do you support continued subsidies for the production of ethanol fuel?
    Ethanol has the potential to radically change our energy equation, and to provide a clean source of renewables. We should continue these subsidies.
  • Will you launch an air campaign against Iranian nuclear sites if diplomatic negotiations continue to yield minimal results?
    This is a regime that has publicly stated its desire to 'wipe Israel off the map'. It would be suicidal to watch them develop a nuclear weapon without making some attempt to strike back.
  • Michigan was one of the hardest hit states in the recent recession. Do you support higher taxes on foreign vehicles while that auto industry regroups in that state?
    I think that's a little extreme. I do support measures to assist displaced workers in Michigan as they seek other jobs and education.
  • The Affordable Care Act (i.e. 'Obamacare') will cap annual premiums, require minimum coverage levels, and outlaw discrimination against people with pre-existing conditions. What do you think?
    This is the wrong way to reform the American health care system. We should be focusing on malpractice reform and on cutting red tape for private insurers.
  • Should the DEA prosecute medicinal marijuana growers in states where that practice has been legalized?
    We might disagree with these laws, but it is the responsibility of the DEA to uphold them. I do think we can look into reducing the penalties, which should decrease the strain on our prisons and allow people a second chance to lead productive lives.
  • Do you think the Death with Dignity Act in Oregon could be a model for broader federal legislation on the issue?
    That's ridiculous. Of course not.
  • Should taxpayers be forced to subsidize Planned Parenthood via federal subsidies?
    I will leave current policy and funding as is. This is a settled issue.
  • Should federal fuel taxes be slightly increased (they have been the same since 1993) to avoid another catastrophe like the Minnesota bridge collapse of 2007?
    There are better ways of funding our federal highway projects than with another increase to the gas tax, especially given how much prices have risen in the past few years.
  • What actions do you support to mitigate the effects of climate change?
    Even if climate change is real, it's impossible to determine how much of it results from human action. It's just as possible that the earth is warming of its own accord, and it makes no sense to disrupt our economy and potentially cause a depression until we have more information.
  • The Supreme Court will be deciding an affirmative action case this fall involving the University of Texas. Should colleges be allowed to consider the race of an applicant when deciding whether to admit them?
    I oppose discrimination in all of its forms. Colleges should be forced to admit based on the merit of their applications, in a color-blind fashion.
  • Federal funding for Community Health Centers has more than doubled in the past ten years to over $2 billion annually. Is this an example of out of control government spending?
    Some money for these programs is fine. This particular one is definitely too large and should not continue to increase in size while the rest of our economy is struggling.
  • After episodes such as the 'flash crash' in 2010, would you support a small financial transactions tax, with the sole purpose being to target high-frequency trading systems?
    I'm opposed to this idea. The last thing we need to right now is create new forms of taxation.
  • You are one of the wealthiest individuals to ever run for President. Does this make it harder for you to understand the concerns of the average American voter?
    Ann and I lived in a basement apartment and ate tuna fish. I wasn't rich until my success in business, which I make no apology for.
  • Scott Brown is currently fighting the good fight in the Massachusetts Senate race. Would you be open to offering him a position in your Administration if he falls short there?
    I've known Scott Brown for many years. If that was something he'd be interested in, we are always glad to have qualified individuals working on our side.
  • What will be the overriding theme of your nomination speech at the Republican Convention?
    My message will be a message of hope. After four years of economic blight the American people need to feel good about themselves, and they need to know that their efforts will be rewarded with material prosperity.
  • What is your guiding foreign policy philosophy?
    Pragmatism -- Our foreign policy right now is effective. We need to guide foreign nations towards democracy and open markets. Doing so will increase the world's prosperity and decrease the chance of future wars.
  • In the most general terms, what will be your overall campaign strategy against Obama?
    My surrogates have plenty of points to make about the failure of the Obama Administration. As the nominee, I will take the high road and stick to a message of optimism and American renewal.