Campaign Trail Results: Game #347529

This Game:

  • Year: 2016
  • Player Candidate: Hillary Clinton
  • Running Mate: Sherrod Brown
  • Difficulty Level: Normal
  • Winner Take All Mode?: Yes
  • Game Played:
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View overall results, or a specific state:
CandidateElectoral VotesPopular VotesPop. Vote %
---- Hillary Clinton33268,034,33951.82
---- Donald Trump20660,023,60845.71
---- Gary Johnson02,542,6821.94
---- Jill Stein0700,7840.53


  • Ohio:5
  • Florida:2
  • Pennsylvania:2
  • Wisconsin:2
  • North Carolina:1


  • Where will you spend your final day of the campaign?
    Virginia and North Carolina
  • What message will you emphasize as you accept your party's nomination for President of the United States?
    Let's all come together -- women, Hispanics, Muslims, moderates, college students, military veterans, African-Americans -- to defeat Donald Trump!
  • Will you give Bernie Sanders a prime speaking slot at the Democratic Convention?
    This is only to be expected for the candidate who came in second place during our nomination process.
  • Barack Obama is looking to you for pointers on the content of his convention speech, to make sure it is congruent with your campaign strategy. What should he emphasize?
    Obama should focus on his accomplishments and the improving economy, and then on how I will uphold his policies and legacy as President.
  • To what extent will you attack Donald Trump for the rhetoric he has used about Mexicans, Muslims, women, and other groups?
    I am going to be pretty explicit in calling out the rhetoric and demagoguery of Donald Trump throughout this election.
  • To what extent will you attack Donald Trump for the controversy surrounding Trump University?
    I'm going to be making a reference to Trump University in almost every speech that I make.
  • What message will you emphasize about the political views of Donald Trump on economic and budget issues?
    I have opposed the Trans-Pacific Partnership for many of the same reasons that Trump brings up. The bipartisan support for free trade that he inveighs against simply doesn't exist.
  • Would you consider making a pledge to, if elected, serve a single term as President?
    I believe that nothing would better unite our party than a pledge like this. Perhaps it will help progressives to support me now, if they can plan on running their own candidate in 2020.
  • Are you still opposed to the Trans-Pacific Partnership? Would you pursue further trade agreements as President?
    I would encourage Democrats in Congress to oppose the Trans-Pacific Partnership when it comes to a vote.
  • To what extent will you support the presence of Bernie Sanders on the campaign trail?
    We want Sanders on the campaign trail as much as possible, and we will discuss with him what we can do to make it happen.
  • Do you have plans to emphasize a path to universal health care in your campaign?
    We need to do something to drive turnout and keep Sanders supporters off of the sidelines. I will pledge to fight for universal health care as President.
  • Many left-wing groups are organizing huge protests at Donald Trump's rallies, some of which involve blocking traffic or forcing the cancellation of speeches. Do you have anything to say about these tactics?
    Donald Trump has repeatedly stepped over the line with his irresponsible rhetoric, and it shouldn't be any surprise that more and more protestors are turning out against him.
  • In the wake of Trump's nomination, a number of prominent anti-Trump Republicans are organizing to cast votes for Libertarian Gary Johnson as a protest, with an emphasis on the Western states. What are your thoughts?
    It isn't my place to step into these kinds of disputes. I would hope that people see Hillary Clinton as the best candidate for President when they look at the ballot.
  • Do you plan to participate in the traditional three debates, between yourself and Donald Trump?
    Any chance we can get to expose Trump's complete lack of preparation for the Presidency is a win for us.
  • What was your rationale behind selecting Sherrod Brown as your running mate?
    Sherrod Brown has a record as one of the most progressive members in the Senate, and he has fought for his home state of Ohio for his entire career.
  • What is your position on gun control?
    We need to hold gun stores accountable when their weapons are used in violent crime. We need extensive measures to keep guns off the streets and away from criminals.
  • What is your position on the abortion issue?
    I will defend a woman's right to choose against any type of outside attack or meddling. We need to fight the recent attacks on abortion access.
  • Do you support the Supreme Court ruling in 2015 which struck down any prohibition on gay marriage?
    This decision was a milestone for equality in our country. I will appoint judges who feel the same way about it.
  • Do you support the recent reopening of relations with Cuba?
    I fully support Barack Obama's actions in regards to Cuba.
  • How concerned are you about the $17 trillion debt that the United States currently owes?
    I will increase taxes on wealthy Americans to stabilize the federal budget and reduce our debt.
  • What steps will you take to reduce or increase spending as President, per your priorities?
    We're going to support anyone in this country who tries to get a college education. We're going to protect Social Security and make sure our veterans are adequately cared for.
  • What is your position on the European Union? Do you believe that countries such as the United Kingdom should exit the Union, given the current problems?
    We've all seen the issues with the European Union, and it obviously hasn't been perfect. But I'd hope that any country consider things very carefully before they decided to leave.
  • What is your take on the Black Lives Matter movement?
    I believe that black lives matter. I fully support this group in their objectives. They are the civil rights group of our time.
  • What measures should be taken to make college more affordable?
    I will do everything in my power to make a four-year degree available without cost to the students of tomorrow.
  • To what extent will you attack Donald Trump for any number of statements he has made about women in his past, including in this election cycle?
    Mr. Trump's gross and outlandish rhetoric should disgust any decent, hard-working women in our society. We need to show that there is no place for this rhetoric.