Campaign Trail Results: Game #24104

This Game:

  • Year: 2012
  • Player Candidate: Barack Obama
  • Running Mate: Joe Biden
  • Difficulty Level: Easy
  • Winner Take All Mode?: Yes
  • Game Played:
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View overall results, or a specific state:
CandidateElectoral VotesPopular VotesPop. Vote %
---- Mitt Romney27663,366,26848.97
---- Barack Obama26264,877,57350.14
---- Gary Johnson0860,2010.66
---- Jill Stein0290,5120.22


  • Ohio:5
  • Florida:2
  • Iowa:2
  • Pennsylvania:2
  • New Hampshire:1


  • Should the Confederate flag be removed entirely from the South Carolina statehouse grounds?
    The Confederate Flag is a symbol of slavery, racism, and rebellion against the United States. It's abominable that in 2012, any state could consider flying such a symbol.
  • A recent Supreme Court decision affirmed an Arizona law allowing officers to check suspected illegal immigrants for proof of immigration status. Do you think this law is a good idea?
    This is an unconscionable violation of civil rights and will certainly lead to racial profiling.
  • Should the federal government continue to finance newer companies that attempt to develop alternative energy resources, such as solar power and electric car manufacturers?
    Every day that we don't invest in solar power is a day that we fall further behind countries like China and Germany. Investment should be increased.
  • There is currently a large amount of drug violence in Mexico near the U.S. border. What would you do as President to help stabilize this situation?
    Decriminalize drugs to reduce prices in the United States. This will undermine the cartels.
  • What is your position on gay marriage?
    Gay marriage should be protected at the federal level. The Defense of Marriage Act should be repealed.
  • Should military women serve in combat roles?
    Separate is inherently unequal. There is nothing preventing women from serving in combat roles.
  • Is the United States too reliant on fossil fuels for its energy needs?
    Fossil fuels and coal are the backbone of our energy supply. If we got rid of those, what would we have left? We have to be realistic and realize that our options are limited.
  • Do you support allowing the Bush Tax Cuts to expire for high-income households at the end of 2012?
    I support letting the cuts expire. It's time that wealthy Americans paid their fair share for the opportunities our society gives to them.
  • Would you sign a bill to make English the Official Language of the United States?
    While English is our common language, I don't think it's wise at this point to declare it an 'official language' or to forbid other languages in government business.
  • Does it still make sense to provide military aid to Pakistan's government?
    Yes this is bad, but what are the alternatives? Should we let Pakistan fall to Muslim fundamentalists as well?
  • The Affordable Care Act (i.e. 'Obamacare') will cap annual premiums, require minimum coverage levels, and outlaw discrimination against people with pre-existing conditions. What do you think?
    There should be a public insurance company offering health care to all Americans. Private insurers are simply too greedy and too likely to turn down people with pre-existing health conditions.
  • Would you support a Constitutional Amendment to overturn some provisions of the Citizens United ruling, affecting campaign finance by PAC's?
    This is one of the worst decisions in the history of the court. If they can't see that campaign finance regulation is entirely constitutional, then we do need to have an Amendment in place.
  • Should the DEA prosecute medicinal marijuana growers in states where that practice has been legalized?
    We might disagree with these laws, but it is the responsibility of the DEA to uphold them. I do think we can look into reducing the penalties, which should decrease the strain on our prisons and allow people a second chance to lead productive lives.
  • Do you think reduced penalties and increased treatment for drug users would help reduce the flow of drugs from Latin America?
    That solution is so obvious that it's a shame it hasn't been implemented yet. Without a market for drugs in the United States, there would be no cartels.
  • Apple's use of cheap, Chinese labor via Foxconn has increased the visibility of labor conditions in that country. Do you think that China competes unfairly with the U.S. by denying basic rights to its workers?
    These workers were very well paid in comparison to the average person in their area. I don't see a problem with what Apple is doing.
  • Should the Social Security Trust Fund be purchasing U.S. Treasury bills? Should it be allowed to invest in other bonds and securities to potentially increase its rate of return? Or conversely, should the funds be held in a 'lockbox' to guarantee benefit payments?
    I think anyone who has managed money can tell you there is a place for U.S. Treasuries in any professional portfolio. Allowing the Social Security fund to invest in other securities opens a huge number of potential problems and conflicts of interest.
  • The budget for the Department of Housing and Urban Development was cut by nearly $4 billion in 2012. Do you think subsidized housing for the poor is a good place to begin reducing the federal deficit?
    This is the wrong way to go about balancing the budget. I oppose these cuts.
  • Would you advocate cutting Peace Corps funding to help address the deficit?
    This is a valuable component of our international presence. We should maintain the funding we have in place, which is miniscule in proportion to our overall budget.
  • What actions do you support to mitigate the effects of climate change?
    We should have more laws and regulations to reduce our total carbon emissions. Sensible next steps include some combination of a cap-and-trade program domestically, as well as international agreements with other nations.
  • The most recent poll showed you slipping by a couple of percentage points. Are you planning on making any changes in your campaign to address this?
    I'm very concerned about these numbers. If they don't improve we might have to fire our campaign manager and start from scratch.
  • Tell us how you feel about the Keystone Pipeline.
    It's shameful that we're even having a debate on this. It just goes to show how much influence oil companies have at the highest levels of government.
  • Some liberals say that you have done more to help Wall Street banks than hard-working Americans. Are you open to a more universal program of mortgage write-downs if housing prices continue to decline?
    I am 100% behind this idea.
  • What will be the overriding theme of your nomination speech at the Democratic Convention?
    I will talk at great length about how we've drifted from the tradition of liberalism that was built by the likes of Roosevelt, Johnson, and Humphrey. I will reaffirm my commitment to this vision in my second term.
  • What is your guiding foreign policy philosophy?
    Human Rights -- It's past time that we cut allegiances with dictators like the House of Saud and truly lived up to our ideals. I will only support or give aid to democratically elected leaders.
  • In the most general terms, what will be your overall campaign strategy against Romney?
    I will pledge a new commitment to liberalism and economic revival. Our social programs and unions need to be protected. In those areas where Republicans continue to stand in the way of progress, we will look for other ways to get things done.