Campaign Trail Results: Game #132389

This Game:

  • Year: 2012
  • Player Candidate: Mitt Romney
  • Running Mate: Tim Pawlenty
  • Difficulty Level: Normal
  • Winner Take All Mode?: Yes
  • Game Played:
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View overall results, or a specific state:
CandidateElectoral VotesPopular VotesPop. Vote %
---- Mitt Romney29165,026,85250.28
---- Barack Obama24763,104,54848.79
---- Gary Johnson0905,4460.70
---- Jill Stein0303,4720.23


  • Florida:2
  • Iowa:2
  • Pennsylvania:2
  • Wisconsin:2
  • Colorado:1
  • Michigan:1
  • New Hampshire:1
  • Virginia:1


  • Some involved with the space program have suggested sending astronauts to Mars, or even forming moon colonies. What is your take?
    Perhaps down the line we would consider that. I think at the present moment there are more urgent priorities.
  • Do you believe the federal government is doing enough to enforce laws against employing illegal immigrants?
    The flow of illegal immigrants into the U.S. has slowed in recent years. We should be focusing more on expanding legal opportunities and bringing immigrants out of the shadows.
  • A recent Supreme Court decision affirmed an Arizona law allowing officers to check suspected illegal immigrants for proof of immigration status. Do you think this law is a good idea?
    I don't want to comment on an issue that is best left to the voters of Arizona.
  • There is currently a large amount of drug violence in Mexico near the U.S. border. What would you do as President to help stabilize this situation?
    There should be better treatment options for drug users to help them overcome addiction, and to reduce the market for cocaine and other controlled substances.
  • What is your position on gay marriage?
    I'm opposed this personally. I think that, you know, different states have different opinions on this matter and it's best left to them to decide on the issue.
  • Do you support allowing the Bush Tax Cuts to expire for high-income households at the end of 2012?
    Our most productive citizens need further tax cuts to stimulate business confidence, investment, and further job creation.
  • Overall, are you satisfied with the trade relationship between the U.S. and China?
    This relationship has its pros and cons. China should be doing more to live up to their end of our trade agreements, and they must stop manipulating their currency.
  • The United States has historically subsidized corn producers. With recent price increases in the corn market, do you still believe that such a program is necessary?
    The Department of Agriculture uses subsidies to rationally manage food production. It would be foolish to reverse that policy.
  • What is your opinion on directing some Department of Education funding towards a school voucher program?
    This is a good idea and it should be expanded.
  • Michigan was one of the hardest hit states in the recent recession. Do you support higher taxes on foreign vehicles while that auto industry regroups in that state?
    I think that's a little extreme. I do support measures to assist displaced workers in Michigan as they seek other jobs and education.
  • The Affordable Care Act (i.e. 'Obamacare') will cap annual premiums, require minimum coverage levels, and outlaw discrimination against people with pre-existing conditions. What do you think?
    This is the wrong way to reform the American health care system. We should be focusing on malpractice reform and on cutting red tape for private insurers.
  • Should the DEA prosecute medicinal marijuana growers in states where that practice has been legalized?
    We might disagree with these laws, but it is the responsibility of the DEA to uphold them. I do think we can look into reducing the penalties, which should decrease the strain on our prisons and allow people a second chance to lead productive lives.
  • Should American workers have the right to invest their Social Security withholdings in private accounts?
    We definitely need to make some changes to the Social Security program, but this is going too far.
  • Are you satisfied with the provisions within the 2012 Federal Highway Bill that could salvage over two million jobs in the construction industry?
    Ideally we should be spending much more on our infrastructure. Doing so would increase overall employment and pave the way for future prosperity.
  • Should federal fuel taxes be slightly increased (they have been the same since 1993) to avoid another catastrophe like the Minnesota bridge collapse of 2007?
    There are better ways of funding our federal highway projects than with another increase to the gas tax, especially given how much prices have risen in the past few years.
  • Without divulging a preference for any particular religious group, do you believe that America was founded as a Christian nation?
    This is an arcane debate. The First Amendment guarantees religious freedom in the U.S., and the personal beliefs of the founders are not a relevant policy issue.
  • Some theorists have suggested that the government create guaranteed jobs at the federal minimum wage, to help support the labor market. Is this something that you would consider?
    This sounds like a political non-starter. It's an interesting idea but let's steer the conversation towards something more productive.
  • What is the best way to make college more affordable for young people?
    Student loans should be disbursed with regard to a student's major and grade point average. This would encourage students to choose productive majors and would decrease the debt burden for graduates later in life.
  • Would you consider military action in Syria if the impasse between Bashar Assad and the rebels there continues?
    I'm not sure if we should commit our troops to additional combat theatres at the present time. We shouldn't be attempting to navigate Syrian politics.
  • Can you clear up any confusion with the Republican base about your beliefs on global warming?
    I would be glad to. Even if the earth is getting warmer, it's impossible to say that human activity is the main driver. We've had these fluctuations over and over again during the geological history of our planet.
  • Would you nominate any Democrats to your cabinet if elected?
    I can't say who exactly will be in the Cabinet, but I'm not opposed to having Democrats in my Administration.
  • What will be the overriding theme of your nomination speech at the Republican Convention?
    My message will be a message of hope. After four years of economic blight the American people need to feel good about themselves, and they need to know that their efforts will be rewarded with material prosperity.
  • What is your guiding foreign policy philosophy?
    Pragmatism -- Our foreign policy right now is effective. We need to guide foreign nations towards democracy and open markets. Doing so will increase the world's prosperity and decrease the chance of future wars.
  • It has now been four years since the financial crisis plunged this country into a steep recession. Do you attribute current economic conditions more to Obama or to Bush?
    Obama has completely failed to energize our economy. His failed stimulus package and reliance on monetary easing have contributed greatly to our stagnation. On the other hand, I will add 10 million jobs in my first Administration.
  • In the most general terms, what will be your overall campaign strategy against Obama?
    I will reach out to moderates and conservative Democrats and attempt to build an all-encompassing coalition. It's time that America had a true leader in charge.