Campaign Trail Results: Game #1224386

This Game:

  • Year: 2000
  • Player Candidate: George W. Bush
  • Running Mate: Colin Powell
  • Difficulty Level: Easy
  • Winner Take All Mode?: Yes
  • Game Played:
  • etorellovin
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View overall results, or a specific state:
CandidateElectoral VotesPopular VotesPop. Vote %
---- Al Gore44653,203,10949.81
---- George W. Bush9247,605,61944.57
---- Pat Buchanan03,263,1073.06
---- Ralph Nader02,737,2512.56


  • Wisconsin:7
  • Iowa:5


  • Which of the following best describes your position on the $200 billion surplus that is projected for this year?
    We need to expand benefits for Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. We can use the surplus as well as defense cuts to balance these increases.
  • Which of the following best describes your position on education?
    We need to increase pay for teachers and increase funding for the Department of Education. I don't support nationwide standards or testing -- they will distort the learning process and lead to education by rote.
  • Which of the following best describes your position on Social Security?
    We need to increase benefits for Social Security. Many people can barely survive on the monthly payment, while we spend billions on the military and run a huge budget surplus.
  • What is your vision for the foreign policy of this country?
    The Cold War is over. We should cut defense spending and stop operating so many bases overseas. I would pull troops out of places like Germany and Okinawa, where we are no longer defending anything.
  • Do you have any thoughts on the Bill Clinton scandal that you would like to share?
    This is a non-issue. Bill Clinton is one the best Presidents of the last fifty years, and we should be focusing on his policies and successes, not his personal affairs.
  • Do you believe that Elian Gonzalez should have been returned to Cuba?
    We should be talking less about Elian, and more about my plans to expand upon the great prosperity of this nation.
  • Did you support Bill Clinton's actions leading to the bombing of Serbia?
    The bombing of Serbia killed many innocent civilians and increased antagonism with Russia and China. I believe military intervention should be a last resort.
  • Do you have any plans to change American tax policy?
    I have no plan to cut taxes. If anything, we might need some increases to strengthen Social Security.
  • What are your thoughts on the USS Cole bombing, which has killed 17 American sailors. How should we prevent such incidents of terrorism in the future?
    We need to do two things -- first of all we need better procedures to ensure that our forces in dangerous regions do better at protecting themselves. Secondly, we will investigate who is responsible for this attack, be it Al-Qaeda or some other group, and attack them accordingly.
  • In Texas, a man named James Byrd was brutally murdered in what many call a hate crime. What is your opinion of federal hate crime legislation?
    A crime is a crime, no matter what the motive is. I do not support ideas that some victims should be held in higher regard than others.
  • Do you have any plans to help America's seniors better pay for vital prescription drugs?
    I believe we should address this problem directly -- by adding a prescription drug benefit to Medicare.
  • Do you support the air strikes and sanctions that have been levied against Iraq, with the goal of weakening Saddam Hussein?
    We are following the right course in Iraq. We must enforce our agreement to prevent Saddam from acquiring weapons of mass destruction. Saddam is allowing the sanctions to harm his people for his own selfish purposes.
  • What is your position on abortion?
    I am a pro-life candidate for President, but I understand that we have certain legal protections in place. At the very least, we can end taxpayer funding for this practice.
  • Should low-income parents be able to use federal vouchers to send their children to private schools?
    I strongly support this idea and will work to implement it as President. All parents deserve to choose where their child will attend school.
  • What do you think of Bill Clinton's recent action to tap the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to reduce the costs of home heating, particularly in the northeast?
    I understand the impulse to help America's families, but the Reserve should be used in cases of national emergency only. This action is unwise.
  • What do you think of proposals to build a sophisticated missile defense system in Eastern Europe?
    As President, I will reach out to key military leaders for their advice on this issue.
  • What key points will you emphasize as you accept your party's nomination for President of the United States?
    Conservatism doesn't mean anger and divisiveness. I will govern as a sensible, pragmatic conservative and pass reforms that are broadly acceptable to the American people. I will return a part of our historic surplus to all of our hard-working families who pay taxes.
  • What is your overall strategy for the 2000 campaign?
    I will campaign as a conciliatory, moderate conservative. I will emphasize my record as the Governor of Texas, and my support across different groups and parties. We will minimize any talk of budget cuts or overturning existing programs. We will resist the temptation to criticize Bill Clinton.
  • Another day, another rally on the campaign trail. What do you prefer to talk about today?
    I will emphasize my record and experience as Governor of Texas. I will remind voters that I have worked across the aisle, won support from many different groups, and will be a uniter, not a divider, when I arrive in Washington.
  • Another day, another rally on the campaign trail. What do you prefer to talk about today?
    I will emphasize my record and experience as Governor of Texas. I will remind voters that I have worked across the aisle, won support from many different groups, and will be a uniter, not a divider, when I arrive in Washington.
  • Where will you make the final stop(s) of your campaign before the voting begins?
    The upper Midwest is key. I will start in Iowa, travel through Wisconsin, and end up in Michigan.
  • It is November 2nd, only five days before the voting. News has just broken that you were arrested for drunken driving in 1976. What is your response?
    I will emphasize that I made mistakes in the past that I'm not proud of, and that I've always been up front with the American people about that fact. I will also remind the voters that I have not drank alcohol since 1986, and question why this came out five days before the election.
  • Do you have anything to say about your alleged drug use in the 1970s?
    I did some things when I was younger that I'm not proud of. But my record in office and my conduct over the past two decades is clear. I stopped drinking in 1986 and never looked back.
  • Some suggest you lack the experience and qualifications for to be President. What do you say?
    This is nonsense. I have served as the Governor of Texas, the second largest state in the country, for nearly six years.
  • Some pro-life and pro-gun groups are concerned about your selection of Colin Powell as running mate. Can you speak more about him?
    Colin Powell is a uniter, not a divider. I'm serious about working with all types of people to move our country forward.