Campaign Trail Results: Game #1222780

This Game:

  • Year: 2012
  • Player Candidate: Barack Obama
  • Running Mate: Joe Biden
  • Difficulty Level: Normal
  • Winner Take All Mode?: Yes
  • Game Played:
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View overall results, or a specific state:
CandidateElectoral VotesPopular VotesPop. Vote %
---- Mitt Romney34767,222,88352.31
---- Barack Obama19159,983,90646.67
---- Gary Johnson0957,8570.75
---- Jill Stein0355,9350.28


  • Florida:12


  • A recent Supreme Court decision affirmed an Arizona law allowing officers to check suspected illegal immigrants for proof of immigration status. Do you think this law is a good idea?
    I don't want to comment on an issue that is best left to the voters of Arizona.
  • In November 2011, Ohio voters rejected a law to limit collective bargaining power for public unions. Do public sector unions such as teachers' and police unions have too much bargaining power?
    That's an issue for the states to decide. You know, the federal government does not support collective bargaining for its employees, so it's not appropriate for me to comment on a state matter.
  • How long should U.S. troops remain in Afghanistan?
    As long as it takes to ensure their transition to democracy. We cannot let the Taliban undermine us, or we may soon witness further terrorist attacks like those of 9-11.
  • What is your position on gay marriage?
    I think civil unions are an acceptable compromise for the majority of mainstream Americans.
  • Do you support allowing the Bush Tax Cuts to expire for high-income households at the end of 2012?
    Perhaps we can consider letting these expire at some point in the future, but for now we are mired in a stagnant economy and need to avoid tax increases.
  • Will you launch an air campaign against Iranian nuclear sites if diplomatic negotiations continue to yield minimal results?
    Of course I will always act in the best interests of the United States. We are keeping all options on the table, but it's irresponsible at this point to go into further details.
  • The Affordable Care Act (i.e. 'Obamacare') will cap annual premiums, require minimum coverage levels, and outlaw discrimination against people with pre-existing conditions. What do you think?
    I'm convinced that this program will work. This is a good compromise allowing private insurers to conduct business, while securing access to health insurance for more Americans. If anything, the increased transparency will reduce insurance costs.
  • Would you support a Constitutional Amendment to overturn some provisions of the Citizens United ruling, affecting campaign finance by PAC's?
    Perhaps not a Constitutional Amendment. These should be reserved for the most serious of issues. I think we can investigate maybe other ways to prevent money from having an undue influence in politics.
  • Do you have any comment to make on the performance of Ben Bernanke as Chairman of the Federal Reserve?
    Ben Bernanke has been a disaster. The Fed's expansionist monetary policy caused this recession, and the continuance of that policy has delayed our recovery.
  • Should American workers have the right to invest their Social Security withholdings in private accounts?
    If practical I would support a program that allows younger workers to invest a certain portion of their Social Security taxes into a different program.
  • What is your opinion on the Occupy Wall Street movement?
    I'm sympathetic to some of their demands, but perhaps there are better ways for them to get their point across.
  • How much attack advertising will your campaign use?
    I will run an uplifting, positive campaign focusing on the issues that concern the American people. I trust that they will see through any petty, unfounded attacks that our opponents come up with.
  • Should military spending be cut to help reduce the deficit? If so, by how much?
    How can Republicans talk about cutting the size of the federal government without supporting a dime of military cuts? In a post-Cold War environment, it makes absolutely no sense for us to spend what we do on defense. Military spending should be cut drastically.
  • What actions do you support to mitigate the effects of climate change?
    We should have more laws and regulations to reduce our total carbon emissions. Sensible next steps include some combination of a cap-and-trade program domestically, as well as international agreements with other nations.
  • Federal funding for Community Health Centers has more than doubled in the past ten years to over $2 billion annually. Is this an example of out of control government spending?
    There are too many mismanaged, ineffective programs like this one to even count. Someone needs to put their foot down on this issue.
  • What is the best way to make college more affordable for young people?
    Student loans should be disbursed with regard to a student's major and grade point average. This would encourage students to choose productive majors and would decrease the debt burden for graduates later in life.
  • Mitt Romney was the CEO of Bain Capital for many years. What can you say about his time at that firm?
    I think this just serves to reinforce how detached and out of touch Romney is from the average working American. This is a man who spends more money maintaining a horse than most people earn in an entire year.
  • Christina Romer -- formerly the Chairperson on your Council of Economic Advisors -- stated in 2009 that unemployment would be less than 6% by 2012 if the stimulus package was enacted. What went wrong, and did the results of the stimulus have any bearing on her resignation?
    I've got to be honest, I feel like I was a little bit misled by the people I had around me at that point. Fortunately I've learned from my mistakes and will not repeat them in my second term.
  • Many people speculate that the Affordable Health Care Act is the first step on the road to socialized medicine. Can you address these concerns?
    These fears are absolutely unfounded. The increased transparency and accountability of a private insurance marketplace will actually serve to reduce health care costs.
  • What will be the overriding theme of your nomination speech at the Democratic Convention?
    I will talk at great length about how we've drifted from the tradition of liberalism that was built by the likes of Roosevelt, Johnson, and Humphrey. I will reaffirm my commitment to this vision in my second term.
  • Do you think Hillary Clinton would make a good Presidential candidate in 2016?
    For all we know, I might be running against her again. If I lost a very tight election in 2012, maybe even winning the popular vote, do you really think I would lack the authority to try again in four years? That's what happened to Grover Cleveland you know, and he made a comeback, so let's not count me out here.
  • Over half of all sexual harassment complaints filed in 2011 were dismissed -- an increase from previous years. Do you think enough is being done to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace?
    I don't think this is an issue. It just goes to show how as we become more modern in our views as a society, that sexual harassment will become less of an issue in the workplace.
  • Be perfectly honest. How do you like Mitt Romney as a person?
    Mitt Romney is a great American success story. His efforts over the years have been admirable. I just don't think he has the best policies in mind for America.
  • What is your guiding foreign policy philosophy?
    Pragmatism -- Our foreign policy right now is effective. We need to guide foreign nations towards democracy and open markets. Doing so will increase the world's prosperity and decrease the chance of future wars.
  • In the most general terms, what will be your overall campaign strategy against Romney?
    Behind the scenes my surrogates have plenty of dirt to spread about Romney and the Republicans. As President, I will stick to a message of optimism and hope in my own campaign speeches.