Campaign Trail Results: Game #1088799

This Game:

  • Year: 1896
  • Player Candidate: William Jennings Bryan
  • Running Mate: Horace Boies
  • Difficulty Level: Normal
  • Winner Take All Mode?: Yes
  • Game Played:
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View overall results, or a specific state:
CandidateElectoral VotesPopular VotesPop. Vote %
---- William McKinley3557,466,05853.44
---- William Jennings Bryan925,910,15042.30
---- John Palmer0594,9524.26


  • Which of the following most closely matches your overall campaign message?
    I am 100% committed to the coinage of silver. It's important however, that we strike a moderate tone on other issues to expand our appeal as widely as we can.
  • What do you have to say about William McKinley's campaign, at a high level?
    McKinley's insistence on the gold standard has alienated many prominent Republicans from his own party, such as Henry Teller.
  • The novelty of a personal visit from the "Great Commoner" could probably swing the West Coast states in your direction. However, it will take two weeks to travel and return via train.
    Will you divert your attention from the Midwest long enough to visit California, Oregon, and Washington?

    Let's keep the tour as short as possible. I will take a train to San Francisco and deliver a few speeches in that city, but will not tour the entire coast.
  • You have very little chance of winning New York this fall, and nearly all of that city's newspapers are anti-Bryan. That doesn't mean you couldn't draw a frenzied crowd in New York City.
    Perhaps the media attention would be beneficial in building excitement for your campaign on a national scale?

    Let's not waste our time in a hostile state. We must sow our seed upon the good earth where it will multiply.
  • You have alluded to the need for less prejudice between the races. Senator "Pitchfork" Ben Tillman, of South Carolina, privately seeks your clarification.
    Can you reassure him that the federal government will respect the rights of the states under your Administration?

    We will respect the rights of the states. I call for greater understanding, but certainly not for an overthrow of the natural order.
  • What do you think of leaving the Midwest for a week and making a circuit of the crucial upper South states? (i.e. Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, and Kentucky)
    We need to keep it simple. Our primary goal in this campaign is to win the critical states of Iowa, Illinois, and Indiana.
  • You are making a big speech in Chicago today. What points will you touch on?
    I will speak to the general issues of the future -- free silver, higher wages, worker's rights, an end to child labor, and women's suffrage.
  • Can you state your definitive position on the American monetary system?
    I support the free, unlimited coinage of silver at a fixed price ratio of 16-to-1 against gold.
  • What is your definitive position on the tariff issue?
    Tariffs should be limited to the minimum amount necessary to raise sufficient revenue for the federal government.
  • The United States is in the midst of a financial calamity, with masses of unemployed men on the streets. What will you do to revive business in this country?
    The Democratic idea has been that if you legislate to make the masses prosperous, their prosperity will find its way up through every class which rests upon them. We need to help our farmers and our workers by allowing the coinage of silver.
  • Grover Cleveland sent federal troops to Illinois to end the Pullman Strike without the request of Governor Altgeld. Was this an overreach on his part?
    This was the act of a tyrant. Pullman was engaged in abominable business practices, and in the darkest hour Cleveland cast his lot with the company over the working man.
  • What is your opinion on measures that would aim to restrict the sale or production of alcohol?
    Perhaps if our goal is to prevent drinking on Sunday, or public drunkenness, I am all for those measures. But a blanket temperance law is a different story.
  • What is your interpretation of the antitrust statutes? Do large American business profit from monopolistic practices?
    When I am President, you will finally have someone who takes our antitrust legislation seriously. I will break up monopolistic banks and railroads in places where they stifle competition.
  • Should there be some regulation of working hours for children, particularly those under the age of 12 or 13?
    I believe this is warranted in the industrial trades. Let us not forget that all hands are needed on the farm, not least of all in this day and age.
  • Would you support a program to compensate workers who are injured on the job? Is this a proper responsibility of the federal government?
    We absolutely need a federal program for this purpose. The Bible says that we must love all people -- even those who have been cast aside by our Darwinian industrial machinery.
  • What are your thoughts on the Women's Christian Temperance Union? Is this group a positive force in American life?
    This is a well-meaning group of honest Christian women. I am neither especially opposed to nor especially supportive of their goals.
  • Do you believe that immigrant labor is undermining the American worker? Should there be some restrictions put into place on immigration?
    We live in an open society, but that should never serve as an excuse for business to undermine the American worker by paying pauper wages to new arrivals.
  • In Pollock v. Farmers' Loan and Trust Co. the Supreme Court ruled that a 2% income tax contained in the Wilson-Gorman Tariff was unconstitutional. Would you support a Constitutional Amendment allowing the federal government to collect an income tax?
    I would like to see an income tax, but since that idea has been ruled unconstitutional, we will have to explore other solutions (besides increased tariffs) for our revenue problem.
  • In general, is the Supreme Court too obstructionist in their rulings on economic issues? Would you appoint judges who would bring a new perspective to these issues?
    Absolutely. I will appoint sensible, assertive judges as President. The purpose of the Court is not to simply overturn half of the laws passed by Congress, on picayune Constitutional objections.
  • Do you support federal intervention in the southern sharecropping system to make it more equitable for the tenant farmer?
    The best federal intervention we can make is to allow the free coinage of silver at a 16-to-1 ratio versus gold. This will raise agricultural prices and lift the southern farmer out of penury.
  • Are you prepared to reaffirm our commitment to the Monroe Doctrine, should any new territories in Latin America gain independence from Spain?
    I support the Monroe Doctrine as established American policy.
  • Do you believe that the federal government has any right to issue interest-bearing bonds, such as those sold to J.P. Morgan in 1895?
    The moneychangers of the temple duped (or bribed) Grover Cleveland into issuing gold bonds. While the rest of the country suffered in indignation, bankers like J.P. Morgan and the Rothschilds made off with millions.
  • Will you press for your party to include a condemnation of lynching in the party platform?
    I abhor any instance where extra-judicial punishment is meted out by the passions of an inflamed mob. My party will speak out against this practice in our platform.
  • Do you support greater regulation on the sale and labeling of opium, cocaine, and morphine when used in patent medicines?
    Many patent medicine purveyors operate in a single locale, and do not cross state lines. Where appropriate, I would support regulation, but only where the Constitution allows it.
  • There is one week left until election day. Every state is important, but where will you give an extra push with your personal campaigning to swing the final results?
    Let's spend the entire week in Illinois. That is the largest state that we have a chance to win.