Campaign Trail Results: Game #1080742

This Game:

  • Year: 1968
  • Player Candidate: George Wallace
  • Running Mate: Curtis LeMay
  • Difficulty Level: Normal
  • Winner Take All Mode?: Yes
  • Game Played:
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View overall results, or a specific state:
CandidateElectoral VotesPopular VotesPop. Vote %
---- Richard Nixon27631,884,54643.91
---- Hubert H. Humphrey21732,042,23344.13
---- George Wallace458,683,07511.96


  • Tennessee:3
  • South Carolina:2
  • Arkansas:1
  • Florida:1
  • Georgia:1
  • Kentucky:1
  • Louisiana:1
  • Missouri:1
  • North Carolina:1


  • What is your overall position on the Vietnam War?
    We should stop bombing North Vietnam and attempt to negotiate a peace settlement. In the mean time, we should be putting our troops at risk only when absolutely necessary.
  • If elected, what will you do to get the student and Negro riots in this country under control?
    Law and order is the primary theme of my campaign. We also need to encourage investment in the ghettoes to ensure a high quality of life and prevent these occurrences.
  • What is your opinion of Lyndon Johnson's new Medicare program?
    We need to be very cautious about this program. It's important to ensure that the indigent can receive care, but programs like these always run the risk of adding precipitously to our national deficit.
  • Are you satisfied with this nation's economic performance over the previous five years?
    Our current economic path is not sustainable. We need to continue the growth we have seen but we cannot allow this inflation we have to continue.
  • Are you satisfied with the progress of desegregation in this country since the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
    I strongly support what we have done to end the insidious practice of segregation in the South. However I'm also alarmed at some of the ideas I've heard about forced integration of neighborhoods, or the proposed busing of students to distant schools.
  • What do you think about the efforts of the AFL-CIO and other large unions? Do they have a positive effect on America?
    We should always be wary of the corruption inherent in these large unions. I cannot say that I'm a supporter of the AFL-CIO.
  • Some have proposed implementing an Environmental Protection Agency at the federal level to combat industrial pollution. Would you support this as President?
    I believe that existing government agencies can handle the issues we have. It does upset any decent American to see rivers filled with black sludge and industrial waste.
  • Should Lyndon Johnson have been able to prevent the Tet Offensive?
    We should have had greater security in those places where we were attacked. Let us not forget, however, that this attack greatly hurt the Viet Cong and was a victory for the United States.
  • What is the maximum number of troops that you would commit to Vietnam?
    I believe that the troop strength we have now is sufficient to hold the lines until we obtain a peace agreement.
  • Do you support opening a new dialogue with our Communist adversaries, such as the Soviet Union and China?
    We should always be looking for areas of agreement, however limited, between ourselves, the Soviet Union, and Red China. At the very least, we can implement arms treaties and avoid the threat of a nuclear war.
  • What is your stance on the Six-Day War that occurred last year, and how should Israel handle the new territories it has taken possession of?
    As President, I'm confident that all sides can come together and negotiate a long-term peace agreement. Certainly the return of the Sinai or the Golan Heights should not be off the table.
  • Has the current Supreme Court contributed to our disorder with decisions such as Gideon v. Wainright and Miranda v. Arizona?
    My priority as President will be to fight for law and order in this country. The Court had good intentions but I am concerned that they overstepped their bounds in these cases.
  • Have you given any thought to programs that would set racial quotas for job hiring or college admissions, in order to accelerate the process of integration?
    We promise an equal opportunity to every person to succeed in America. I oppose discrimination in federal hiring and so on, but we also need to ask ourselves if a quota system is really the best way to monitor this issue.
  • What is your opinion of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965? Is it a good idea to liberalize our immigration policy and to outlaw national origin quotas?
    We need to be vigilant on the amount of immigration that we allow, but I also agree that we shouldn't restrict the practice based on national origin. In a Cold War world, we need to be mindful of international perceptions.
  • Do you support the Child Nutrition Act of 1966, which provides free breakfast and milk to qualified schoolchildren of impoverished backgrounds? Or do you believe that the program is too costly and constitutes a misuse of federal power?
    I don't think anyone opposes the idea of providing milk to our poor kids. My contention, however, is that the state and local governments are more in tune with their needs than some bureaucrats in Washington.
  • How would you prevent campus incidents like the takeover of Columbia University that occurred this past spring?
    How these students have not been expelled is beyond me. If Administrators want to be complicit in the degradation of a private university, that is their own business. However, I won't spend a dime of federal money on a school that coddles radical agitators.
  • Would you consider a constitutional amendment to outlaw the birth control pill, given the Supreme Court's decisions on that issue?
    We have bigger priorities to deal with right now in America. I don't think that most Americans support or expect this kind of an initiative.
  • On the weekend before the election, Lyndon Johnson's peace negotiations have collapsed with the North Vietnamese. Even worse, there are rumors that a Nixon operative has sabotaged the negotiations. Nixon swears to you on his honor that he is innocent. Will you make this an issue over the last two days of the campaign?
    This is bordering on treason. The American people deserve to hear about this.
  • What will be the overall message of your campaign?
    I am a serious candidate for President of the United States. I will protect law-abiding Americans from social disorder and I will win the war in Vietnam.
  • Do you plan to make a strong effort in any of the non-Southern states?
    My goal is to sweep the South and prevent either candidate from achieving an electoral majority. I will make this region my primary focus.
  • What can you say to the people of the South to dampen the appeal of Richard Nixon?
    Richard Nixon is a California yankee and an interloper. He does not deserve the support of a decent southern man.
  • Will you try to compete with Johnson and Humphrey's machine in Texas?
    I'm more worried about keeping the rest of the South from going to Nixon. I'm less concerned about Humphrey's chances in Texas.
  • What is more important to you -- competing with Nixon in the border states (to help Humphrey) or winning over Humphrey voters in the northern cities (to help Nixon)?
    It looks like Nixon is the favorite, so I'm going to focus most of my efforts on campaigning where he's ahead.
  • Alabama is a right-to-work state. What can you say to factory workers -- who are largely sympathetic on the racial issue -- to assuage their concerns about union rights and wages?
    This to me is a another state issue. If they have duly won concessions with their employers, I have no right to interfere with that as President.
  • If there is no majority in the electoral college, what are your goals at the bargaining table?
    There's not a dime's worth of difference between the Democrats and Republicans. My goal is to win this election outright.