Campaign Trail Results: Game #962495

This Game:

  • Year: 1968
  • Player Candidate: Hubert H. Humphrey
  • Running Mate: John Connally
  • Difficulty Level: Normal
  • Winner Take All Mode?: Yes
  • Game Played:
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View overall results, or a specific state:
CandidateElectoral VotesPopular VotesPop. Vote %
---- Hubert H. Humphrey41734,732,51447.54
---- Richard Nixon8229,576,56340.48
---- George Wallace398,757,40811.99


  • Florida:3
  • California:1
  • Illinois:1
  • Indiana:1
  • Iowa:1
  • New York:1
  • South Carolina:1
  • Tennessee:1
  • Texas:1
  • Wisconsin:1


  • Would you consider sending troops into Laos, Cambodia, or North Vietnam to more aggressively combat the flow of Communist troops into South Vietnam?
    Absolutely not. I'm looking for ways to end this war with an honorable peace agreement, not ways to incite the wrath of Red China.
  • What is your overall position on the Vietnam War?
    We should stop bombing North Vietnam and attempt to negotiate a peace settlement. In the mean time, we should be putting our troops at risk only when absolutely necessary.
  • If elected, what will you do to get the student and Negro riots in this country under control?
    Our first priority is always to have strong law enforcement. We also need more spending on education, more integration in our schools, and more programs to ensure that blacks can advance in our society after the stain of segregation.
  • What is your opinion of Lyndon Johnson's new Medicare program?
    I commend this piece of legislation. Already we see many Americans receiving health care who would otherwise be stricken with serious and/or fatal conditions.
  • Are you satisfied with this nation's economic performance over the previous five years?
    The worst thing we can do right now is to sabotage the progress we have seen by continuing to squander our money on a war in Vietnam. I support a full employment economy as well -- meaning we must be vigilant against misguided attempts to raise interest rates.
  • Are you satisfied with the progress of desegregation in this country since the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
    We have achieved great strides on this issue in the past twenty years -- and let the record show that Hubert H. Humphrey was at the forefront of this movement as early as 1948. We still have a long way to go, however, before we can truly realize the dream of Martin Luther King.
  • Would you be willing to call an unconditional bombing halt of North Vietnam in the hopes of restarting peace negotiations?
    I would be willing to take this step and see what develops. It is imperative that we end the war in Vietnam as soon as possible.
  • What is your opinion of the military draft that is currently in place?
    We need to make sure that our military is adequately filled with personnel. That being said, I would prefer to see a volunteer system in place. I'm confident that there are enough patriotic young men in this country to make that system work.
  • Would you be willing to place increasing responsibility in the hands of South Vietnam for their own defense?
    My goal is President will be to negotiate a comprehensive peace treaty between North and South Vietnam and end this war. That is the only real solution.
  • Do you support opening a new dialogue with our Communist adversaries, such as the Soviet Union and China?
    We should always be looking for areas of agreement, however limited, between ourselves, the Soviet Union, and Red China. At the very least, we can implement arms treaties and avoid the threat of a nuclear war.
  • What is your stance on the Six-Day War that occurred last year, and how should Israel handle the new territories it has taken possession of?
    As President, I'm confident that all sides can come together and negotiate a long-term peace agreement. Certainly the return of the Sinai or the Golan Heights should not be off the table.
  • Are you concerned with some of the activist stances that Earl Warren has taken in his time with the Supreme Court?
    It would be better in some cases if we could get Congress to make these decisions, but I do support the stances Mr. Warren has taken on the Court.
  • Can you comment on the newly created Head Start program?
    Programs like Head Start are the only way that we will end poverty in our cities and rural districts. I fought for this program from the beginning and I will support it as President.
  • What is causing the massive increase of crime in America? How will you reverse the trend?
    We need to improve our policing practices, prevent riots and disorder, and also address the underlying economic causes that spread dissatisfaction with the status quo.
  • Did you support Lyndon Johnson's 1965 intervention in the Dominican Republic?
    We have long supported right-wing government in the Dominican Republic, and we've now propped it up against the will of the people. We can't credibly claim to fight for democracy when we do things like this.
  • Can we all agree that the Black Panthers are a menace to the security of the United States?
    I support a fair shake for every American. I support programs that help black businesses. I support desegregation. I oppose groups like the Black Panthers that have contributed to the rioting and chaos that has swept the nation these past three years.
  • Would you consider a constitutional amendment to outlaw the birth control pill, given the Supreme Court's decisions on that issue?
    We have bigger priorities to deal with right now in America. I don't think that most Americans support or expect this kind of an initiative.
  • Do we need more spending in the War on Poverty, especially in light of the riots since 1965?
    We are the greatest nation on earth and we cannot rest until every citizen has an opportunity to share in that prosperity.
  • How far are you willing to go to compete in the American South against the campaign of George Wallace?
    We want to compete in every southern state. I will run to the right of Wallace on economic issues while lamenting the interference of the federal government in education and housing.
  • What is the overall theme of your campaign, remembering that the Democratic Party is underfunded and severely divided?
    I will reaffirm my support for the Great Society and pledge to do everything in my power to end the Vietnam War.
  • What will you say in your acceptance speech at the Democratic Convention in Chicago? Will you address the rioting outside and the legacy of Robert Kennedy?
    My speech will hinge on a defense of liberalism and on the strong economy. I will call for a truce in Vietnam and for a truce on the racial issues in our country.
  • Richard Nixon, perhaps remembering the debacle of 1960, has expressed little interest in a debate this election. Will you challenge him to one?
    This is a real opening for us. I will challenge Nixon on this issue relentlessly.
  • After the debacle of the convention in Chicago, are you willing to make a statement condemning the student protestors? Or conversely, one blaming the Chicago police?
    I won't be making any statements about Chicago in my campaign. We should forget this as soon as possible and move on to the issues affecting our country.
  • On the weekend before the election, Lyndon Johnson's peace negotiations have collapsed with the North Vietnamese. Even worse, there are rumors that a Nixon operative has sabotaged the negotiations. Nixon swears to you on his honor that he is innocent. Will you make this an issue over the last two days of the campaign?
    This is bordering on treason. The American people deserve to hear about this.
  • What is more important to you -- competing with Nixon in the border states (to help Humphrey) or winning over Humphrey voters in the northern cities (to help Nixon)?
    It looks like Nixon is the favorite, so I'm going to focus most of my efforts on campaigning where he's ahead.