Campaign Trail Results: Game #1026542

This Game:

  • Year: 1968
  • Player Candidate: George Wallace
  • Running Mate: Happy Chandler
  • Difficulty Level: Easy
  • Winner Take All Mode?: Yes
  • Game Played:
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View overall results, or a specific state:
CandidateElectoral VotesPopular VotesPop. Vote %
---- Richard Nixon29131,251,51342.91
---- Hubert H. Humphrey19130,894,88242.42
---- George Wallace5610,680,94114.67


  • South Carolina:8
  • Florida:2
  • Kentucky:1
  • North Carolina:1


  • What is your overall position on the Vietnam War?
    We keep emboldening the enemy in Vietnam with half-measures. We will never win this war unless we escalate it.
  • If elected, what will you do to get the student and Negro riots in this country under control?
    There has been a total abdication of responsibility in this country over the past five years. The riots in Detroit and Newark are simply the final straw in what we can accept. I will crack down severely on disorder and nominate judges who will overturn atrocious decisions such as Miranda v. Arizona.
  • What is your opinion of Lyndon Johnson's new Medicare program?
    We need to be very cautious about this program. It's important to ensure that the indigent can receive care, but programs like these always run the risk of adding precipitously to our national deficit.
  • Are you satisfied with this nation's economic performance over the previous five years?
    How can anyone be satisfied with the course our nation has taken? Inflation is killing the value of the dollar and the gold standard itself is at risk. Unemployment is highest under the Johnson Administration among the very people he claims to care about the most.
  • Are you satisfied with the progress of desegregation in this country since the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
    Whites and Negroes are naturally unsuited to mix together in society. The entire premise of desegregation is a farce, and my campaign is dedicated to ending this misguided policy.
  • Would you consider sending troops into Laos, Cambodia, or North Vietnam to more aggressively combat the flow of Communist troops into South Vietnam?
    I can't believe we haven't done this yet. How on earth are we supposed to win a war against an insidious enemy with one hand tied behind our back?
  • With all of the new programs that have implemented over the past five years, do you still believe there is room for the federal government to expand its responsibilities?
    My God, this is a truly frightening question. Responsibilities of government need to be turned over to the states, and the federal government needs to be drastically reduced in size.
  • What is your opinion of the military draft that is currently in place?
    We need to make sure that our military is adequately filled with personnel. That being said, I would prefer to see a volunteer system in place. I'm confident that there are enough patriotic young men in this country to make that system work.
  • Do you believe that the newly implemented federal welfare programs will be effective?
    Ineffective, immoral, and illegal. Intellectuals in improperly influential offices are destroying the United States.
  • Some have proposed implementing an Environmental Protection Agency at the federal level to combat industrial pollution. Would you support this as President?
    This is one of the most dangerous ideas I can think of. A federal agency to combat pollution will hurt business, increase unemployment, and undermine the wages of our workers.
  • Should Lyndon Johnson have been able to prevent the Tet Offensive?
    We should have had greater security in those places where we were attacked. Let us not forget, however, that this attack greatly hurt the Viet Cong and was a victory for the United States.
  • Are you concerned with some of the activist stances that Earl Warren has taken in his time with the Supreme Court?
    Earl Warren is without a doubt the worst Supreme Court justice in the history of the United States. From Brown v. Board of Education up through the present day, he has been nothing but an agent of tyranny for the federal government.
  • Has the current Supreme Court contributed to our disorder with decisions such as Gideon v. Wainright and Miranda v. Arizona?
    Over the past five years we've sent a message to criminals that their rights are more important than the rights of law-abiding Americans. I don't know how anyone was surprised at the rioting and social chaos that we've seen since then.
  • What do you think of programs that require schools to use busing to achieve racial balance?
    Busing is nothing but another conspiracy to mongrelize the races of this country. First it was the Brown decision. Now it's some policy that some academic came up with to send children to school thirty miles from their house as part of some social engineering scheme.
  • Have you given any thought to programs that would set racial quotas for job hiring or college admissions, in order to accelerate the process of integration?
    You're dang right I've given some thought to this. We have laws in the books right now that require federal contractors to hire unqualified candidates, and we need to repeal them immediately.
  • What is causing the massive increase of crime in America? How will you reverse the trend?
    This increase in crime we see is the natural consequence of integration. I will not allow the black community in this country to get fancified notions of what they can get away with when I'm President.
  • Can we all agree that the Black Panthers are a menace to the security of the United States?
    The Black Panthers are a radical group of militants who are plotting the overthrow of the United States government. It is my firm position, in accordance with the Constitution, that anyone planning treason against our country should be imprisoned and possibly executed.
  • Would you consider a constitutional amendment to outlaw the birth control pill, given the Supreme Court's decisions on that issue?
    We have bigger priorities to deal with right now in America. I don't think that most Americans support or expect this kind of an initiative.
  • Do we need more spending in the War on Poverty, especially in light of the riots since 1965?
    The War on Poverty is a national disgrace. It is a program that steals from the productive to finance the lazy and the shiftless.
  • On the weekend before the election, Lyndon Johnson's peace negotiations have collapsed with the North Vietnamese. Even worse, there are rumors that a Nixon operative has sabotaged the negotiations. Nixon swears to you on his honor that he is innocent. Will you make this an issue over the last two days of the campaign?
    This is bordering on treason. The American people deserve to hear about this.
  • What will be the overall message of your campaign?
    I'm opposed to desegregation, environmentalism, defeatism, social engineering, busing, declining property values, and unchecked rioting. My candidacy appeals to southerners and northerners alike.
  • Do you plan to make a strong effort in any of the non-Southern states?
    I will stick to the states where Richard Nixon is leading, and emphasize my credentials as a law-and-order conservative. If I can keep Nixon below 270, I have a real chance at brokering an end to desegregation after this election.
  • Will you try to compete with Johnson and Humphrey's machine in Texas?
    Texas should be fertile ground for the George Wallace message. If Humphrey and Johnson get into a rift, I think we've got a real shot in that state. I will try my best to win it.
  • What is more important to you -- competing with Nixon in the border states (to help Humphrey) or winning over Humphrey voters in the northern cities (to help Nixon)?
    It looks like Nixon is the favorite, so I'm going to focus most of my efforts on campaigning where he's ahead.
  • If there is no majority in the electoral college, what are your goals at the bargaining table?
    I will support whatever candidate agrees to rescind the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and agrees to appoint justices who will overturn Brown v. Board of Education. If no candidate agrees to those conditions, then I will not support either one of them.